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What’s In The Stars? Your April 2022 Horoscope Is Here

5 min read

Welcome to April, Crunchy women. A month in which the Sun intensifies its motion promising a period of freedom to all signs of the Zodiac. These vibes will motivate all of you to embrace life: take it as a cosmic permission to let down your hair and have fun.

On the 20th of this month, the Astrological Year for the sign of Taurus begins: that means a special birthday to celebrate. Dominated by the influence of Uranus, this planet will bring luck to Taurus women in the professional field as well as in love. Get ready for some shake-ups. Venus, in the friendly sign of Pisces, also promotes new incentives and fabulous sensations that would boost your love and passion.

And what does April 2022 have in store for each of the signs? Let’s jump in and find out.

♈  Aries (March 21-April 20) 

The arrival of the Sun in the sign of Taurus encourages you to be focused mostly on yourself. These are useful weeks to resolve any blurry situations. However, regarding your profession and your finances, you’ll be in need of putting more effort into achieving the desired goals as some opportunities may cause you a degree of instability. When it comes to love, you have to be a little bit cautious: protect your relationship and your privacy to avoid unnecessary discussions.

♉  Taurus (April 21-May 20) 

Your birthday is coming: after twelve long months, the Sun returns to visit you, boosting your everyday life with greatness. Get ready to grasp the positive influence of the stars as these are extremely important weeks to take control of your life with a new project, investment or situation. A mix of new and varied commitments may lead you to experience a period of great success and wealth. Your love life will also be enriched by new encounters. In case you are already in a special relationship, chances are you will be ready to move it forward to the next level.

♊  Gemini (May 21-June 21) 

You are about to experience new opportunities related to your profession. Better not to get caught unprepared. In the next few weeks, you could pass an exam, learn a foreign language, update your skills with a new course or even have a chance to change your job: an opportunity you have really longed for. Don’t be shy, get back in the game and be focused on achieving the desired goals, whatever they may be, as luck is on your way. Your love life needs a bit more work, though. Your partner and your family need you to be there.

♋  Cancer (June 22-July 22) 

A positive period continues for you: the influence of the stars helps you define your situation better. This is the right month to reap the desired fruits, carry out a long-standing project, or achieve a long-awaited professional desire. Pay attention to the signs from the sky; your dreams are destined to come true. In love. You should be prepared to be more understanding and affectionate as that will make the difference.

♌  Leo (July 23-August 23)

You still need to wait for your special skills to be recognised. April appears unstable because of your passion for changes. Although Saturn is on your side, you’ll rarely feel free to think and act appropriately. April is a month linked to sacrifices, difficulties and some solutions. But don’t worry; after such hard work, success will be guaranteed. Thinking twice before you dive in will finally bring your abilities to light. In love, you may experience a difficult time with your partner; it’s better to make it up with a surprise.

♍  Virgo (August 24-September 22) 

The arrival of the Sun in the friendly sign of Taurus guarantees you an extremely positive period full of news. Use the positive influence of the stars to your own benefit to make your dreams come true. These are useful weeks to make some changes in your professional life: a great time for highlighting your skills. Many exciting opportunities are coming your way: a new residence, a new love or the consolidation of a relationship cannot be excluded. Success with money and great health are on the way.

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♎  Libra (September 23-October 22)

The Sun is moving away from your sign and that may be good news as recently its influence has made things a little difficult. In the next few weeks, a clear recovery is coming in all fields. Take this opportunity to change a job or turn some skills into a new professional opportunity. This is the best time to move house, furnish a room, buy a car, and enjoy a new love. A great chance to start afresh after a period of hibernation. 

♏  Scorpio (23 October-22 November) 

The biggest challenge is to resist unwanted changes. Venus and Mars are coming towards you, to give you new incentives. That may lead to a few new opportunities, in love as well as in your profession. Due to the Sun opposing your sign, some new chances may need you to wait longer than you’d hoped for. It’s not the best time to make long-term decisions. Better to postpone any serious resolutions, especially on the financial side, to another date. April is a month of uncertainty but you can still count on some lucky days (15-16- 30 April).

♐  Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

Your month’s planetary placement will soon change due to the Sun coming away from your sign. The first fifteen days of April are meant to be very positive for you: if you carefully deal with a situation you care about, success will be guaranteed. In your love life, you may need to demonstrate a greater commitment in order to show your support for your family or children. Watch your diet and work out a little bit more: you need to reconnect with a regular eating, sleeping, and exercise schedule. Your body is telling you to detox.

♑  Capricorn (December 22-January 20) 

Be sure to make some time for detoxifying your body. A poor lifestyle may start to cause some problems: your energy levels and health will thank you for slowing down a bit, practising some sports and following a diet. In your profession, you may experience a lack of concentration. However, don’t worry, nothing is lost, everything will be sorted after Easter when the Sun will return to support your life; in the meantime, take care of your appearance.

♒  Aquarius (January 21-February 19) 

April can be a useful month for setting up a real estate change: a sale or a new residence cannot be excluded. You’re experiencing an extremely positive period full of new incentives that will show you the right path to take. Thanks to Saturn guiding you through greater responsibility, you will be able to grasp the signs of destiny. Let someone take care of you; only in this way, you will be able to reach your goals. In love, to create a romantic vibe you may need to put in more passion and less narcissism.

♓  Pisces (February 20-March 20) 

Your lucky period continues. In the coming weeks, you will find it hard to keep all the good news at bay. These are very important days for you to pave the way for your professional future and your love life. This cosmic climate may help your relationship but you have to put in more passion and initiative when spending time together. Extraordinary lucky month for you to pass a competition, an exam or learn a foreign language. Your lucky days are the 14-15-30 of April.

About The Author

Vicenzo Laganà | Astrologer

Vincenzo Laganà | CrunchyTales

Vincenzo Laganà is one of the top Italian astrologers, who graduated in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Crystal Therapy and Reiki. Passionate about helping others achieve greater insight and awareness, he has studied with Ettore Bilinski and Ciro Discepolo and has been inspired by the work of French astrologer Andrè Barbault of Volguoine, as well as Dane Rudhyar and Jung. His horoscope columns have appeared in the main newspapers, magazines and online publications.

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