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Best Grain Salads | CrunchyTales

The 5 Best Grains To Add To Your Salads For Weight Loss

3 min read

Can’t give up carbs? For those ladies looking to stay healthy and fit, there are better choices than wheat. Whole grains, for instance, will actually help you lose or maintain the perfect weight.

Abundant in fibre, they have a range of health benefits, from supporting good digestion to promoting better glycemic control. And according to a study from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition they can do wonders for our weight management:

Consumption of whole-grain foods, compared to refined-grain controls, significantly reduces subjective hunger, and this may provide at least part of the explanation for the inverse associations between whole-grain food intake and risks for obesity and weight gain over time.

In particular, the fibre in whole grains not only helps us feel more satisfied in between meals, which helps us snack less and consume fewer calories, but it also promotes a healthy digestive system and helps us to build muscle in the bodyWhat’s more, as opposed to refined ones, grains are higher in minerals, B vitamins, and iron when consumed in their whole, unprocessed form. 

What’s more, according to new research carried by Tufts University, middle-to older-aged adults who ate at least three servings of whole grains daily had smaller increases in waist size over time compared to those who ate less than one-half serving per day.

There are several reasons that whole grains may work to help people maintain waist size and reduce increases in the other risk factors. The presence of dietary fibre in whole grains can have a satiating effect, and the magnesium, potassium, and antioxidants may contribute to lowering blood pressure. The soluble fibre, in particular, may have a beneficial effect on post-meal blood sugar spikes,” said Caleigh Sawicki, co-author of the study.

Whole Grains You Should Be Eating

Great to add texture and flavour to any salads, they’re a wholesome side dish next to meat or fish and can also hold their own for dinner as vehicles for whatever tasty in-season produce you happen to have picked up recently.

Here are the best grains for a quick and well-balanced meal that you may want to include in your diet. Just make one big batch of a grain salad on Sunday and you’re already off to better eating for the week.

Hulled Barley – Great for improving digestion

Do you know that a five-week period of regularly consuming one-half cup of barley can lower cholesterol levels by nearly 10 per cent? Whole grain barley contains a range of vitamins, minerals and soluble fibre, which reduces hunger and enhances feelings of fullness. It also promotes a good balance of gut bacteria, improving digestion.

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Buckwheat – Great for reducing cellulite

Including buckwheat in a healthy diet could lead to greater satiety and help with weight management. It has more protein than the other grains, which makes it an exceptionally good source of protein for vegetarians. Very high in magnesium, it also may help regulate blood pressure. And like all whole grains, it’s a good source of fibre, too. Rich in protein and B vitamins, easily digestible, this whole grain can boost energy levels. And guess what? With high amounts of lysine, an amino acid that helps repair body tissue and collagen, it may reduce cellulite. 

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Brown Rice – Great for counteracting water retention

Brown rice has been given a good reputation for its ability to regulate body weight and blood sugar values. It is also very high in fibre, low in fat, and has low-density, meaning you feel full after eating a relatively small amount. Low in sodium, it’s a great ally when you want to counteract water retention, too. In addition, brown rice offers a high amount of magnesium, iron, and Vitamin B-6 per serving, making it one of the most nutritious forms of grain.

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Whole Oats – Great for increasing the feeling of fullness

The beta-glucan fibre contained in the whole oat is known for its ability to absorb a lot of water, which means that it swells in your stomach, increasing the feeling of fullness. Gluten-free, whole oats are also high in antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds called polyphenols. It helps reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels, too.

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Quinoa – Great for building muscles

One of the best protein-rich whole grains for weight loss is quinoa. A 100-gm portion of the grain contains 14 gm of proteins, as well as 7 gm of fibre. It is a cholesterol-free food grain with a low glycaemic index and is preferred by people who have to build muscles as it’s high in protein and very high in B-group vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids.

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