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2023 Horoscope | CrunchyTales

How Lucky Will Your Zodiac Sign Be In 2023? Here’s Your Horoscope To Reveal All

7 min read

The New Year 2023 is finally here, and we have a lot to look forward to ladies. From setting new goals to reflecting on the old ones, the new year encourages a sense of optimism bringing an opportunity to set things right back on track. Thanks to Jupiter, which will help all of us improve our life, we’ll finally be able to remove the many obstacles we’ve encountered along the way.

Fruits will finally ripen especially for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, the luckiest signs of the year. Success is also guaranteed for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Expect some great news if you are Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. Massive changes are already underway for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Will your celestial 2023 forecast promise new love, payback, or redemption? Read on and find out.

♈  Aries (March 21-April 20)

Jupiter has the ability to help you through adjustment in certain tricky situations you may not like or be accustomed to. This year will see you redirecting your attention toward inner healing, forcing you to learn how to let go and surrender to what’s not in your control. In the coming months, you may find yourself faced with having to get involved with some issues that are not really yours, luckily your rebellious spirit gives you the necessary strength to change this and approach it from a different angle. Look out Aries, love is coming your way. Expect to have a great time if you are looking for a soul mate. Also, consider improving your look and learning a new sport; you never know when the right opportunity might knock on your door.

Lucky Numbers: 12-45-76
Lucky Encounters: Sagittarius – Capricorn

♉  Taurus (April 21-May 20)

Every 12 years the planet Jupiter arrives bang in the centre of your sign, bringing with it some really important gifts and surprises. For some midlife ladies looking for a new partner, 2023 is going to be the best time to meet Mr Right, but also to improve your current look, and/or experience some really exciting situations under the guidance of a lucky star. Moneywise, Taurus, this is the year to expect even better things as well as an unusual improvement in your work situation. Expect a couple of interesting trips between May and July. Luck is on your side, so if you’re feeling the urge, then go for it. If you’ve ever considered cosmetic surgery, then 2023 may be the right year to make it happen; but do your research well.  

Lucky Numbers: 23-33-44
Lucky Encounters: Capricorn – Aquarius

♊  Gemini (May 21-June 21)

The presence of Mars in your sign in 2023 guarantees you an extremely favourable period in just about all areas of your life. Think carefully and you will land on your feet. This is because Pluto begins a new Astral influence which is now capable of setting in motion a real change in your everyday life. Some of you are going to experience passion in a totally new way; yes it looks like you’re in line for a true love lightning bolt from the blue. For others, however, 2023 is going to be the year for you to end a difficult relationship which has been slowing you down. There’s great news ahead in your professional life, and if you are a late bloomer, keep your eyes open as a top job is on the way. However, do pay attention to your weight as you may find yourself gaining a few extra unwanted pounds in the early part of this year.

Lucky Numbers: 33-44-77
Lucky Encounters: Aries – Sagittarius

♋  Cancer (June 22-July 22)

This is finally your year of true redemption. 2023 is going to bring in news related to your private life where an unexpected change of course in love cannot be excluded this time. For some of you, this may mean the arrival of a new love or even an extramarital affair. If you are looking for new experiences this year then you have free rein to go for everything that makes you feel happy.  The stars are going to guide you to some new and unexpected opportunities in your profession. Expect a surprising boost in your finances in the form of a gift, a sale or someone returning money owed to you. 2023 is also the time to start to take better care of your physical appearance, so consider playing a new sport, or changing your diet, hair colour and wardrobe.

Lucky Numbers: 66-78-90
Lucky Encounters: Capricorn- Pisces

♌  Leo (July 23-August 23)

Saturn will be leaving your star sign this year and allowing the Sun to have a positive effect on you. This important planetary change will remove the many difficulties you may have experienced in private or public over the past twelve months. The first few months of 2023 are going to be the most important for you as there will be some major changes in your life. Certain relationships which may have been fading will receive newfound energy, the passion will be re-ignited and you will reach new levels with your partner. Regarding your work this year Leo, you’ll find that any extra hours you’ve put in last year will be worth it and it hasn’t gone unnoticed. On the physical side, it is better to start to get into shape sooner rather than later by planning a new training routine. Don’t put it off any longer as this will lead you to more success.

Lucky Numbers: 1-12-67
Lucky Encounters: Aries – Sagittarius

♍  Virgo (August 24-September 22)

This year is going to be the perfect year to finally prove yourself. In addition to finding yourself loaded with important commitments, 2023 will be the right year to take back everything you think you may have lost in recent months. It’s up to you to win back what you really hold dear to your heart. You’re going to have to go outside of your comfort zone several times this year and take any new opportunities that arise. By doing this your current life is going to reach new heights.
2023 brings luck and success in love. Be open to meeting new people and seeing where sparks might fly.
New money is on the way, along with possibly a new profession and some important friendships.
This is going to be a year of change for you Virgo, getting rid of any unwanted baggage and anything that has never really suited you. Consider working out a bit more, but don’t overdo it. Try new outfits with the colour orange.

SEE ALSO:  What's In The Stars? Your September 2022 Horoscope

Lucky Numbers:3-9-50
Lucky Encounters: Taurus – Capricorn

♎  Libra (September 23-October 22)

2023 is going to require some special attention from you to break the mould and change your old ways. It’s time to forget about certain aspects of the past, leave it behind and don’t look back. It’s now time to move forward. It will take a nonconformist spirit like yours Libra to reap the desired fruits. You are the sign of fashion and elegance, so don’t let everyday life make you lose sight of your well-known style and personality. It all depends on you.  This year, love, luck and success are all within your grasp.  Do your research, choose carefully, don’t rush and expect excellent results in your private and work relationships between August and September. Instead of focusing on longevity, pay attention to the quality of the connection and the fulfilment you get from it. Some people enter our lives for a season, some for a lifetime. What matters is that you’re learning and evolving through these relationships. Top health in 2023.

Lucky Numbers: 22-45-66
Lucky Encounters: Gemini – Aquarius

♏ Scorpio (23 October-22 November)

In the coming months of 2023, you are going to change your life radically. You are one of the most intense signs of the zodiac, so don’t let your everyday life make you lose sight of that nonconformist spirit that has served you well for all these years and will help you to get what you want now. The start of the year begins with some really useful months to renew your wardrobe, and even give a new touch to your home. Scorpio you might even entrust yourself to a designer to avoid choosing furnishings which may not suit you in the long term. Your health is excellent. Make sure you keep engaging yourself in some meditation and exercise.

Lucky Numbers: 15-17-80
Lucky Encounters: Cancer – Pisces

♐ Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

Currently, the stars are all aligned in your favour; the presence of Jupiter from the friendly sign of Aries is going to make 2023 really sparkling and special in ways you may not have considered before. This year might be the right one to fall hopelessly in love. There’s going to be the arrival of a new partner or an unexpected marriage, so don’t be blinkered. It’s a great year of recovery for you and every situation you find yourself in will tend to take a positive shape. Whether it be money, work, or friendships, the stars are shining favourably on you. 2023 could also encourage a more mature approach to your personal life and well-being. Take time to revise your beauty routine; your skincare regimen should be taken seriously. Therefore, it’s important to find a beauty practice that can shift your consciousness and energy into a better place

Lucky Numbers:66-68-69
Lucky Encounters: Aries – Leo

♑Capricorn (December 22-January 20)

If you are a late bloomer, expect great news coming your way, Capricorn. Whether you’re ready to start a new chapter in your career or take a leap of faith and open a business, 2023 is the perfect opportunity to focus on financial freedom while prioritising your personal goals. On your personal side, however, the most relevant news concerns matters of the heart. The arrival of new love cannot be excluded. Some of you will start to open up to the idea of sex, dating, and partnership after a long time. Pay particular attention to the arrival of someone new outside your residence; this is going to boost your love and passion to a new level. Consider changing your look: but don’t go overboard with too strong and bright colours, chic minimalism style is the answer. Blue is your lucky colour this year.

Lucky Numbers: 10-57-87
Lucky Encounters: Taurus – Capricorn

♒ Aquarius (January 21-February 19)

There’s a sense of freedom that prevails throughout 2023 which is going to represent a year of real redemption for you in many ways. Aquarius, you are the most unconventional sign of the zodiac, in fact, in the coming months, it will not be difficult for you to revolutionize your life when you feel like it. For some of you, there is the desire to reconquer old situations that may concern love or friendships. Remember to do your homework well before returning.  This year consider colouring your daily life through something totally new. Cut out anything unnecessary and dedicate more of your time to dancing, music, and most importantly taking care of your spirit: a new approach to a belief or a religion is cannot be excluded this year.  

Lucky Numbers:44-56-87
Lucky Encounters: Gemini – Libra

♓ Pisces (February 20-March 20)

Jupiter has been your ally for a long time.  The beginning of 2023 starts with many new interesting things that make your life really happy. Your profession gives you a lot of unexpected gifts in your future business negotiations. Your love for someone pushes you to make important decisions, a real estate or city change. Following your passion and feelings should be your priority. On the physical side, it is the year to reveal a new image. If you love aesthetics, this is the right time to consider trying new treatments. When it comes to love and romance, April will be your most favourable month. Wear green, your lucky colour, and you will not regret it.  

Lucky Numbers:22-44-76
Lucky Encounters: Cancer – Scorpio


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About The Author

Vincenzo Laganà | Astrologer

Vincenzo Laganà | Astrologer

Vincenzo Laganà is one of the top Italian astrologers, who graduated in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Crystal Therapy and Reiki. Passionate about helping others achieve greater insight and awareness, he has studied with Ettore Bilinski and Ciro Discepolo and has been inspired by the work of French astrologer Andrè Barbault of Volguoine, as well as Dane Rudhyar and Jung. His horoscope columns have appeared in the main newspapers, magazines and online publications

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