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Puffy Eyes | CrunchyTales

How To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes

3 min read

Sometimes a good concealer and cold compresses are not enough. Hormonal changes related to menopause combined with a poor diet and lifestyle can make puffy eyes more frequent in midlife.

They might be the result of changes in underlying facial structures, too. As we age, muscles and other supportive tissues around the eye relax. That, paired with waning elasticity in the skin, causes fat that was once at deeper levels to migrate to the surface, causing eyelid bags.

Of course, there are many other causes conspiring against the way our eyes look. Unless it’s hereditary, poor quality sleep and excessive alcohol intake are often the main factors to blame. However, seasonal allergies, overconsumption of salty foods, stress, water retention, dehydration, some medications, and some sleeping positions can aggravate the condition.

When cucumber slices can’t help improve the appearance of bags under the eyes anymore, it’s time to revise our routine.

Most common ways to get rid of eye bags

There is no one simple fix to reduce those annoying bags under the eyes. “Swelling around this area is caused by an excessive accumulation of fluids (oedema) in the surrounding skin– says Beauty Expert Joyce Connor. You can reduce the appearance of the inflammation but sometimes only cosmetic surgery can help“.

Improving the lymphatic drainage of this delicate area is probably the first step to help you get rid of the puffiness. “Using a Gua Sha roller daily around the eyes can help with inflammation and reduce swollen – suggests Joyce-. Another good technique is facial tapping that zone with your fingers for 20 seconds back and forth. Start with gentle sweeps down the face to draw the build-up of inflammation under the skin towards your collar bone, and then down towards your armpits“.  Regular exercise can also drain the lymphatic fluids accumulated around your eyes; yoga, pilates and stretching can do wonders for the whole body.

Of course, beauty products play their own part in reducing puffiness. “Only use cosmetics and makeup manufactured for that particular area avoiding heavy oil-based ones– she recommends-. Stick to the ‘less is more rule’ and if necessary consult a medical professional to discuss which treatment methods are right for you, before going ahead“.

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And when it’s time to improve your diet, make sure you drink enough water during the day and look for ways to increase collagen levels. Foods that are rich in Vitamins A and C plus Omega 3 (like tuna, salmon, kale and berries) make your skin firmer and help keep cells renewing and repairing normally. A daily intake of probiotics can also help your digestive system avoiding dull, tired-looking eyes, with dark circles and a puffy face.

Another good trick is to get gravity on your side by sleeping with your head elevated, and preferably on your back, to prevent excess fluid buildup. It may help to add an extra pillow or prop up the head of your mattress. Or even raise the entire head of the bed a few inches.

Nonsurgical options

If these first remedies won’t sort out the problem, it may be good to contact a good dermatologist or certified aesthetician. Dermal fillers with hyaluronic acid, for instance, are amongst the most popular treatments for puffy eyes.

Effective professional remedies might also include laser resurfacing in case your under-eye puffiness is caused by excess skin due to ageing; an effective way to remove surface layers of wrinkly skin in the under-eye area and stimulate new collagen growth. Results can last years, depending on your skin type and sun exposure.

If you’re experiencing long-lasting puffiness or pain, irritation or severe swelling in the area around your eyes, and you suspect that a medical condition may be behind your puffy eyes, make sure you contact your family doctor for professional advice. “Sometimes there may be some underlying health problems – says New York-based, oculofacial plastic surgeon Dr Chaneve Jeanniton-. Hypothyroidism and sinus dysfunction can cause inflammation that can manifest as fullness under this delicate area. Seeking treatment for these conditions is the first step to addressing the appearance of swollen eyes.”

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